Dead Cat - the work of Matthew Gaffen


We're all Going to Hell

One of the most recent Hearse Pileup songs - thought I might start posting up some of my lyrics.

Brixton's on fire
And the heat's started to spread
So let's get out the water canon
To blind people from the dead

Tottenham's on fire
Hate has burst into our streets
A seething wave of fury
Is building up around our feet

Either the rapture didn't happen
Or we're all going to hell
Put your hands over your nose
Try to ignore that burning smell

London's on fire
Homes are turning into ash
Forget about your wealth
Because the banks are our of cash

England's on fire
We'll engulf ourselves in flame
We'll turn upon ourselves
When we have no-one left to blame

Either the rapture didn't happen
Or we're all going to hell
Put your hands over your nose
Try to ignore that burning smell

In other news, our new website is up, you can see it here

Also, we have a gig on Tuesday, come down if you fancy hearing what it really sounds like.

We have a live album up on Bandcamp too for free download right now, so go check that out too.

Finally, I've also set up our newsletter, which you can sign up for here.

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