Dead Cat - the work of Matthew Gaffen



It's been rather a while since I've posted here, but I'm still beavering away.

Got a new audio piece to upload to, but am having a little problem with the music player I programmed. I'll put a new post up as soon as it's working. I've also got talk of a new band in the mariachi style floating around in collaboration with the talented Louis Village. Stay tuned.

On to the main part of this post:

I am currently part of a group project trying to apply documentary film making techniques to print based media. An interesting idea which we are tweaking right now. Our chosen subject matter was the Grosvenor Pub near Pimlico station. Gathering research mainly involved (for me) sitting around ALL day until close in the pub all week, recording interviews with staff and patrons at various levels of inebriation. I also took my new 35mm SLR out on its first excursion to get some nice pictures.

Here are some of the ones I rather liked:

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