Dead Cat - the work of Matthew Gaffen


New Song: Pretty Shiny Things

VERY ROUGH recording of my part of I Feel Dead's most recent song "Pretty Shiny Things"

I only recorded it for practice purposes, and I sung the verses backwards, but thought it might be of interest. It will obviously sound much better when the other members join me. My housemate is drumming in this video

I'm guessing it isn't quite what might have been expected of me.

A gig coming up SOON as well. Expect news equally soon.


  1. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Hey Matthew, i work for a small independent record label called Artifact Recordings in California. I came across your blog whilst i was searching for content on the student protests in the UK. As raw a recording as this is, i think it has potential and if you would like to talk about your musical direction i would be very interested to hear from you. 1-888-669-5172 Hope to hear from you soon.

    Chris Larson

  2. Hi Chris,

    Thanks a lot for getting in contact. I've tried phoning but to no avail - it rings once then instantly hangs up. Am I phoning outside of office hours?

    In any case, definitely interested in having a chat. Will have some new recordings up in the next week or so. I look forward to talking further on this. Your interest is much appreciated!



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