Dead Cat - the work of Matthew Gaffen


FMP Foundation

I've been working hard in the last month or so in order to impress all the colleges I applied to so that I might be sheltered from the real world under the umbrella of education for a little longer. It appeared to work somehow, as I managed to get a place on the graphics course at Chelsea College of art. Which I think is pretty cool, even if I do say myself.
After that I had to prepare what is called a statement of intent for my final major project - A big project, over a long period, written and set by myself. This is mine; The subject is:

MODELS AND THE MIND Statement of Intent

Progress and Achievement Through Units 1 to 7

The major skill I have learned over my time on foundation is that of conceptualization and formulation of ideas. Although I still need to improve my method of documentation for the development process, the course has helped open my eyes to new ways of producing work. Whereas before I primarily used the computer as my tool for constructing pieces, only a couple of weeks after starting the course I was experimenting with sculpture. I also find that whereas before a lot of my art was produced on a purely superficial, promotional level, I am now exploring the meaning of subjects very important to me in my work.

Pathway Choice

I found it very difficult to choose my pathway; having just broadened my horizons and then constricting them. Coming from a graphical background I found the graphics pathway very tempting due to the defined nature of the project. However the commercial side of graphics concerned me, as I did not want to lose the idea of producing work that embodied some deeper, personal meaning to myself. Finally, I chose graphics as it is a communicative medium and I enjoy this aspect in comparison to the subjective nature of art.

Final Major Project Aims and Realisations

I intend to explore the subject of psychosis in my final project, with special interest focused on the idea of models, a relatively new area of psychological science. The idea of reality, and the question of what is real will feature heavily in the project. The main question, however, is one of psychiatry itself. The psychological model is an idea that contradicts some of the more traditional ones. The concept of models means that a psychologist now has to treat a person’s psychotic experiences as fact, rather than medically treatable symptoms. R.D. Laing took a similar view, and employed radical new treatment techniques at Kingsley Hall, where the doctors lived in house with the patients. This is a place I will most likely visit whilst conducting my research. It is also likely that I will explore the works of Mary Barnes – an ex-inmate and artist. I am remaining intentionally open–minded in regard to the final piece for this project in order to allow a more fluid development of the project. However, I am likely to be experimenting with some sculpture and painting. Mary Barnes’ work mainly comprised finger painting whist attending Kingsley, and the concept of models brings to mind the theme of puppetry, which could be well explored through the medium of sculpture. The main intent of this project is to affectively convey some aspect of the idea of mental models in the context psychiatry and psychosis. The dichotomy between the reality of those perceiving psychosis, and the actual illusory nature of hallucinations brought about by psychosis will be very important, and I think possibly the most affective way to convey this may be through some kind of installation piece, probably including film of some kind.


In order to constantly evaluate my work I will participate in tutorials, group assessments and finally, a self-assessment once my project is complete. I will also document the projects’ evolution from its original premise in some form. Most probably utilizing the blog format. This will ease the process of evaluation.