Dead Cat - the work of Matthew Gaffen


Minor Setback

Put out our post boxes today for the Butterfly Ball.

They look like this:
As for my Final Major Project, I have had ideas about how to create the 'goblin' that will be holding the puppet of me. I'm going to use some second hand clothes as a starting point (Some kind of jogging bottoms probably, just for their shape, and a form of cloak for outside appearances). Then I will flesh him out using found objects (card board, those things you put in boots to keep their shape (for the shins), etc). I'm going to take a plaster cast of my own hands for the hands of the goblin. I need to think more about the face.

I had a bit of a crisis of confidence at the end of last week, so work slowed a little, but I believe I'm back on track. The main reason was because I suddenly realised that the wood I was using for my puppet's head was A.) Too small, and B.) Too soft. Basically I had fucked it up. After much wringing of hands, and cries in anguish, I decided not all was lost, and with a little help from a friend (not being the best with clay miself) used some air-drying clay to build up the face again, and I must say it is looking pretty stunning (pictures will come soon).

I got donated some old dolls for my project, which is helpful. I also wrote some blank verse based on demented accounts of my dark past, heavily in biro. I then used a pencil on the sheet below to give the impression of some one stalking, and then proceeded to rip it up, so that it looked more demented. When slicing up one of the dolls, my scalpel slipped, and I cut my left index finger to the bone.

The body of the puppet is more or less completed. There's a nail sticking out of its chest that I have to trim, but all in good time. Along with the dolls I was fortunate enough te receive some clothes, which I could use to base my patterns on for the puppet's clothes. So far I made a pair of red trousers out of felt, which look quite good. However, the fabric doesn't really have a suitable amount of movement in it to be used for a puppet. I might have to re-make them. I have the material for the jacket and shirt, and should be getting started on them soon.

As for the controls, I have begun to think about them, but haven't started making them, hopefully should be finished next week. Will bring my old desk into college soon, which will help. Hopefully will start and finish some suitably dark wallpaper this week too, based on a motif of manikin bits.

Need to buy a radio too, and finish the audio aspect of my installation. Will hopefully take those photographs soon too.

That's about it for now, will upload some photo's soon.

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